Its being around two years in NCR, n i have learned a lot of bad things... n i m not much ashamed of them either... :) One of such is watching movies even before first day (Friday's) first show. And u know habit sustains, and i booked First day first show even for CAT. I wasn't much serious about the paper, but in later phase i felt 'was my decision of early Dating, right?' Now, i can say it was. As D day was coming nearer, i was getting more serious about d same. I even enrolled for some online papers, much to discourage myself...
Finally, the day arrived, v had to reach 2 hrs. before the test, so had to woke up around 7. And as i was rushing through the crowd, on way to exam center, i come across a small girl (just passing by d road), and her adorable smile (one for me), which traveled from her lips to mine, it just slow me down. Thinking of that as a good omen i entered the center, to find queues for entry and those faces, Oh GOD!! i can't forget those looks, i still feel like laughing at the way everyone carry tension with them. That was the only boosting factor, excluding that lovely smile. As we all know this world is small, and it surly is, i meet few of my colleagues and an unknown junior, at d center, they helped me pass that waiting period.
The moment paper started, every ones calculations went wrong, there were just 60 questions, instead of expected 65, twenty each for all three sections. I have a simple believe, never be afraid of exams, they will come again, and there's never an end to world. I started high on confidence, and as Maths being my favorite, was by far first choice to start. I was just doing my second question, n the person seating just left to me start calling 'Excuse me, see what happened to my screen', that time i was in no mood to get involve in some extra co-acts. But i cant stop my self from hearing, as they were just speaking into my ears, i heard one saying 'You have clicked "Quit Test" and ur test is over. "Ohh MY GOD!!!" was my reaction. They tried to restart his test but even those experts cant help the poor lad. I will just say "Watch out of that 'Quit Test' option".
Exam was going smooth for me, after long time i have been able to solve too many questions, most of them without or with less trouble, it was also because our set of math was too easy. I followed Math with English. I know my English is too good to be selected for IIM's, but this time i want to give this section some more time so that i would say, 'this was my best attempt for the section'. My liberation to some foreign language n over confidence in one of my solid section DI, made me stretch my time on the verbal section, n i end up with just 25 odd mins. for DI. For first few minutes i cant think of any thing, and the clicking clock was causing much more toll. I just left the paper for some moment and stated looking back at other sections. Till then i had figured out how to proceed, Do what ever come first and have faith in your calculations. And it worked for few questions, at least, i made some entries to answer sheet from DI. But my unplanned attempt and tactlessness, forced me to miss all 3 sets of data interpretation, costing me directly 9 questions out of 20 overall in the section. And by the time my timer stopped, i know it was much less an attempt.
But, I had gained many things, made few friends, whom by now, i might had lost in this crowded world, and created some memorable memories. Hoping GOD give some mental/ emotional strength to those pale faces. Also special thanks to my Junior, Vivek, for such a nice party.. Vivek, i told u we r wedding crashers... :-))